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Fat-dissolving treatments are cosmetic interventions designed to target localized pockets of stubborn fat that are resistant to traditional diet and exercise efforts. These treatments often involve the use of injectable substances, such as deoxycholic acid, which works to break down and absorb fat cells.


These injectables disrupt the fat cell membrane, leading to the gradual elimination of fat over time. The body's natural metabolic processes then remove the treated fat, resulting in a more contoured and sculpted appearance.


Fat-dissolving treatments are considered non-surgical alternatives to liposuction, offering a minimally invasive approach with relatively quick recovery periods. While these procedures can be effective for targeted fat reduction, they are typically recommended for individuals with small to moderate fat deposits rather than as a substitute for overall weight loss strategies.


As with any cosmetic procedure, consultation with a qualified healthcare professional is crucial to determine suitability and achieve optimal results.


How long does the treatment last?

6-9 months


What pain level is this treatment?



How long is the treatment?

30 minutes

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How much does the treatment cost?


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